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Title Before and after the treatment
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2022-05-17
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What I thought before the treatment : I didn't know about treatment at all. I wished everything would just end and disappear. I thought my whole life was meaningless. I thought I woulds be unhappy for the rest of my life. I was lethargic and drowning. I went back and forth in extreme rage and extreme depression. I felt as if I were a monster. 

The process of treatment : I applied for a counseling session at a counseling center. i accidentally came across Mr. Kim's Youtube videos on the way home. His words struck me like a lightening, so I canceled the counseling session and applied for the treatment program. It was hard at first. I couldn't accept my condition and couldn't focus on the treatment with repeated rage and depression. It was hard to look at myself objectively. It was surprising that you gradually understood the mechanism of human mind and psychology. I finally let go of my stubbornness and naturally went with the program. It has been a year now and I wonder why I was so tenacious. I wish I would have followed the instructions earlier.

To those who are thinking about treating their condition: Happiness should belong to me so I am making efforts to restore my happiness. I am quite satisfied with my progress now. I know that things just don't change for you when you fall and lie there. You yourself must get up and walk again to meet new sky and new trees. I used to lie on the ground after falling before treatment, but now, I just got up and looking ahead for the direction of my new life. I made a good choice. Only those who have treated themselves may know how to overcome difficulties and what great power you have after overcoming difficulties. 

Result of lawsuits and coping measures : I filed a lawsuit before I started the treatment. The result was disastrous I tried to hie one blow and got 10 blows back. It was terrible and I had more rage and wish for revenge. I almost blow everyone around me. I was lucky to start the treatment in the middle of the lawsuit. I was able to hold myself until the lawsuit ended. You should start a lawsuit after you treat your condition since you will be hurt so much otherwise. 

I hope everyone will be happy. Keep it up!!

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