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FAQ on how to use the treatment center

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Title Why do I feel that I need to take up some educational courses for myself?
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-12-30
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Q. I am doing fine with therapeutic tasks and other treatment process. I don't pay any attention to my husband as guided. I have noticed that I keep thinking about taking up educational courses for myself. Does it indicate that I want to change my habit of depending on my husband?

A. As you proceed with the treatment program, you transfer from other-centered life to self-centered life as your psychology is stabilized. Then, you become to want to pursue your own values of life with your own abilities. 

However, you are still in the process of treatment. The first phase of treatment for remission of symptoms and psychological stabilization takes only 3 to 6 months, but complete recovery and cure takes 1 to 3 years. You will experience ups and downs of emotions in the process. It is recommended that you wait until complete cure before you take up educational courses for yourself. 

If you already have career or work, you can continue doing it without expanding or taking up new ones since starting fresh with the pursuit of values of life in the middle of treatment process may lead to developing further psychological problems. 

As you take up some new hobbies or work during treatment, the level of focus on treatment naturally decreases. You may get immersed into new hobbies or work, and begin to neglect treatment little by little. Then, you may aggravate your psychological condition by not being able to do either one successfully. You must also take precautions against developing dependency on people or activities.

For now, it is recommended that you solely focus on treatment of your psychology. You can and will take up new career, education, or hobbies with much higher success rate after you fully restore healthy psychology.

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