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FAQ on how to use the treatment center

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Title Do I need to self-check on progress even when I really focus on therapeutic tasks ?
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-12-29
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You don't have to self-check for progress if you are really trying hard to do therapeutic tasks. However, when your psychology becomes stabilized to a certain degree, you become to think that you are trying really hard and it can be just your own idea. Moreover, when you make an arbitrary interpretation and think that you are doing well with the progress in treatment, your psychology may actually be being aggravated.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you self-check for progress to judge objectively even though you may feel it is bothersome and unnecessary. Please, do not self-judge on your progress and continue with self-check on progress on the home page. 

When you self-check on progress, you can just describe your emotional state in simple sentences. You don't have to write about tasks you can do well and you just need to write about tasks you don't feel comfortable about. You can also include you emotional state such as comfortable, depressed, stuffy, and so on. 

The most important thing is that it will help you become conscious about your condition, which promotes treatment and gather up your will power. 

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