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FAQ on how to use the treatment center

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Title How long does it take to build happiness ability after treatment?
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-12-23
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When you have happiness ability, you will have formed as many thought standards as possible into your habits in the unconscious. It takes time and effort to form habits. You must make efforts consciously to form habits, and then one day, you will find that you have naturally formed good habits inside you. 

It takes only 3 to 6 months to treat wounds and psychology but it takes 1 to 3 years to build prevention ability and happiness ability. Habits in the unconscious are formed mostly before you become an adult, so it takes a lot more efforts for an adult to form new habits on top of the already existing habits than for children. 

Happiness ability is built when you form habits of happiness in the unconscious. It takes not talent or aptitude but continuous practice and effort.

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