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FAQ on how to use the treatment center

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Title The expense for psychology treatment training seems too expensive.
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-03-30
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Korea Institute of Psycho-education applies psychology treatment methods through self-training programs based on the Theory of Mimind and Xesmind.  

We understand that many people feel burdened due to the expense of treatment training. 

1. Many healing methods that aim for temporary diversions rather than complete cure are easily available at a much lower cost. They include psychology counseling, coaching, meditation, many types of training, therapies, lectures, and so on. These methods are more effective to heal psychological problems before they are fixated to become psychological disorders. On the other hand, treatment of psychological disorders that have already been fixated takes much more than healing methods. 

2. Treatment of psychological disorders is completely different from solving and alleviating psychological problems. Treatment of psychological disorders takes much more time, effort, and expense compared with addressing psychological problems.

3. Expenses for treating psychological disorders are different depending on types and severity of psychological disorders. There are three types of psychological disorders : Type 1 (1 component of psychology is errored), Type 2 (2 components of psychology are errored), Type 3 (3 components of psychology are errored)

4. Of course, it would be ideal if you can prevent the occurrence of psychological disorders and heal your psychology before problems get fixated. To effectively treat psychological disorders, it takes not only expenses but also time and effort. You need determination for restoring happiness and effort to continue and finish the training. The expense designated for each type of psychology treatment has been determined based on the expected level of your determination. 

Korea Institute of Psycho-education also provides reference videos and readings available for free viewing. They are intended for temporary stabilization of psychology. They are not designed for treatment of wounds and psychology. 

KIP Psychology Treatment provides one of the most effective and the fastest treatment methods of psychological disorders and methods of building happiness ability. 

After you have treated your wounds, restored healthy psychology, and built happiness ability with KIP Psychology Treatment program, you will find that the expense is far from being expensive for the results and achievements you have made through the program. 

E-mail : uip@uip.ac

Blog : https://kipmind.blogspot.com/


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