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Title The difference between KIP Psychology Treatment Training & Mind Control
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-06-01
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[The difference between KIP Psychology Treatment Training and Mind Control]

Mind control is adopted to control emotions by applying diverse techniques such as hypnosis and self-suggestion. It activates awareness and thoughts in the conscious in order to control mind, so its effects are temporary and individuals' responses are also unpredictable. It can be used for temporary stabilization of psychology and has similar effects with other activities of diversion. It can hardly lead to restoring the sense of self-respect, treating psychological wounds, or building happiness ability.

On the other hand, KIP Psychology Treatment Training can literally treat psychological wounds and psychological disorders. It accurately applies the mechanism of human mind and psychology and that of human relationships and psychological interactions in order to address the root cause and underlying factors of psychological problems. Through KIP Psychology Treatment Training, you can not only treat existing psychological disorders, but also build the ability to prevent yourself from developing psychological disorders in the future. You can also build the ability to analyze psychological operations of yourself and other people and apply your analysis in psychological interactions with people. 

When you become to adequately manage the operation of your mind and psychology and all the relationships with people, you are considered to have built the happiness ability for pursuing self-actualization with meanings and values of life. Many people who have taken KIP Psychology Treatment Training say that it was a major turning point in their life and its value cannot be calculated with any materialistic values. You can also join us and give yourself an opportunity to change your life into a journey full of happiness and success. 

Inquiries : uip@uip.ac

[For more reference materials : https://kipmind.blogspot.com]



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