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Title Recipients_People who suffer from emotional disorders
Posted by KIP Treatment Center (ip:)
  • Date 2021-06-09
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[Recipients_People who suffer from emotional disorders]


Many men and women suffer from emotional problems and emotional disorders. Emotional disorders are manifested as symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorder, hwa-byung, post traumatic stress, rage, lethargy, insomnia, sociophobia, and genophobia. Emotional disorders are commonly observed around us and many people live with them all their life without proper treatment. 

Emotional disorders develop when stress and psychological wounds continue to operate without being properly processed. Stress and wounds my operate to affect only within the mind and psychology, or they may directly affect the body to develop as diverse types of somatization.

When emotional disorders occur, many people tend to attempt diversions to gain positive moods. Activities for diversions have only temporary effects, and they do not solve underlying emotional problems. Actually, as you repeat temporarily feeling better through diversions, you become to require more and more intense positive stimulations to feel better, and the time period you can stand without positive stimulations gets shorter and shorter. Now, you have actually aggravated the condition, and in time, you may find that even managing daily life in a calm and composed way is difficult. 

Emotional disorders must not be solved through diversions. It must be treated by adjusting the unconscious for balanced operation. Only the adjustment of the unconscious can address the root cause of emotional disorders by generating positive emotions from within and processing the inflow of negative information properly.

Through KIP Psychology Treatment Training, you will be able to accurately understand the operational mechanism of human mind and psychology and apply the principles to daily life to adjust habits in the unconscious and restore balanced psychological operation. 

Inquiries : uip@uip.ac

[For more reference materials : https://kipmind.blogspot.com]



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